Nbody3D Gravitational Simulator version 2.0.001 written by Henley Quadling, 16th Feb, 1996 - This is a very early unfinished test release. - This software is freeware; you may distribute it freely as long as you distribute it free and unmodified. - This software requires at least Windows NT 3.51, Intel or Alpha. This software also runs in Windows 95 with the appropriate Opengl dll's. Features: 1. OpenGL 3D animation.... A future release will have much improved openGL functionality, and more control over the rendering. 2. Multiple threads. This software has 6 threads. The Calculation and rendering are executed on seperate synchronized threads, which should allow for very efficient execution on SMP machines. I do not have access to a SMP machine, so please tell me if there is a problem! 3. Windows 95 common controls, Drag and drop support, toolbars, tooltips etc. 4. Completely written in C, for compact and fast code. Installing: If you are using this software in Windows 95, and you do not have the OpenGL dll's, you need to obtain them. I have them on my nbody page: http://mnnt1.hep.umn.edu/nbody1.htm Running: Try the demo files, with the 'open and run' menu item, or drag a demo file over the main dialog window. Other than that, you are going to have to play with it, because I dont have time to write a manual! The status bar messages and tooltip messages should help out. Have fun!